Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This is a newer photo of me too. Seeing I hadn't posted for 2 years thought I should update the image as well!
Well, here I am again after about 2 years. I cannot believe it has been that long!!! Had a meeting with Barry Dickins last Friday re: Frank Thring, he said it had been 2 years since we signed the contract!! Phew how time flies. For those of you who have absolutely no idea who Frank Thring is, he was a Australian actor who found himself in Hollywood in the 40's/50's and was in the movie Ben Hur with Charlton Heston. Image above. He was certainly a larger than life character and was definitely one of a kind and a Melbourne icon. When I was about 18 I got a job as an usher at St Martins Theatre in Melbourne (used to be a stunning theatre, until they "re-furbished" and wrecked it!) and the first show that I worked on was a two hander with Frank Thring and another actor, I cannot for the life of me remember the play or the other actor, but I stood there night after night mesmerised by Thring's performance. Even though he was very mannered, somehow you still believed he was the character he was playing. An extraordinary personality who unfortunately is largely forgotten today.