Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 5. I was only thinking today of one of my worst auditions and believe me I have had a few! Like the time I auditioned for "Starlight Express" in London on roller skates and ended up rolling off the stage on top of the Director!!!! Anyway, this particular one I rocked up to audition for the Asian tour of "Phantom of the Opera" and after my audition they said could I please come back tomorrow after learning this special bit of music that they gave me and keep the role of the Theatre Manager in mind. Can't remember this character's name, but after ringing around when I got home to try and find a pianist that could put this special bit of music on tape for me (and of course paying them) so I could practise, everyone I spoke to said I would be perfect for the role. Well, after practising this music all night, and feeling fairly confident, I fronted up at the arranged time and waited to be led back into the audition room. My name was called, I was ushered up the stairs and they knocked on the door and went in to announce me, and after a very long time a member of the auditioning panel came out to tell me there had been a mistake, they did not want to see me, and to please leave! I muttered some apology like it was all my fault and left! I have since abandoned any hope of doing Musical Theatre and concentrated on straight acting!

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